Welcome all Dental Professionals
where Craftsmanship
This is
meets Technology
"I hold digital technology to the ultimate standard of the trained human mind and hands. I love to pursue technology as its progresses, but my goal is always to find where it can help - because it will NEVER replace human potential."

Service, Education & Partnership
Hello, My name is Jed Archibald. I am the Owner and Founder of Archibald Esthetics and Archibald Digital. My passion for the dental industry is focused in three key areas:
I get to provide the service as a Dental Technician, where I work with Clinicians and Patients in restoring smiles.
My unique background has given me an amazing thirst for education, I feel driven every day to learn and teach.
Archibald Digital is a powerful partnership for other great technicians. Where I help them compete in an ever-changing world, without loosing what makes them great.